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Important considerations when choosing a surrogate

On Behalf of | Jan 17, 2025 | Surrogacy Law

The decision to start or expand a family is often made after a lot of thought. Individuals who have a partner will likely have many discussions about this. For some people, growing the family can’t happen naturally. At that point, they may make the decision to turn to alternatives, such as adoption or surrogacy. 

Anyone who’s considering surrogacy should know some of the important considerations that they need to think about when they’re going through the process of finding an appropriate surrogate. Some of the more common factors that should be considered include:

Medical history and physical health

A surrogate should have a good medical history with no more than three C-section deliveries or medical problems. Having their weight under control, eating healthy and being fit can help to increase the chance of having a viable and healthy pregnancy.

Emotional preparedness and support system

The surrogate you choose should be emotionally prepared for the process. A mental health evaluation is beneficial in these cases. Ideally, the surrogate will also have a supportive environment that helps them with the added stress that comes with pregnancy.

Clear communication and shared values

In order to have a successful relationship with a surrogate, you need to have effective communication. The surrogate should be easy for you to speak to and they should be willing to talk to you about anything. Some of the things you need to discuss include values about pregnancy, such as prenatal care, the possibility of medical interventions and dietary restrictions. 

Once you find a suitable surrogate, you should ensure that you have a comprehensive surrogate agreement. Working with someone familiar with the legal aspects of surrogacy is beneficial for individuals considering this as an option to expand their family.

